The Unrealised Project of Eletsk Province (1918-1921)

Tatiana Sazonova
The Bryansk State University Herald, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 81-84

The Red Ivanovo-Voznesensk Province: from the history of creation (1917-1919)

Tatiana Sazonova
RGGU Bulletin, Issue 10 (111), 2013, Pages 127-135

Administrative Practices in Soviet Russia

Tatiana Sazonova
Academic Journal of INION RAN, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 35-45

A review of “A Spark of Revolution” by A. Heywood

Tatiana Sazonova
Academic Journal of INION RAN, First World War, 2014, Pages 169-171

A review of “Destiny of the Reform” by I.A. Hristophorov

Tatiana Sazonova
Academic Journal of INION RAN, Issue 1, Series 5, 2013, Pages 49-56

A review of “Amour Province” by K. Matsuzato

Tatiana Sazonova
Academic Journal of INION RAN, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 55-59

A review of “Trial Run for Soviet Food Requisitioning” by M. Melancon

Tatiana Sazonova
Academic Journal of INION RAN, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 88-91

A review of “How St Petersburg Learned to Study Itself” by D. Johnson

Tatiana Sazonova
Academic Journal of INION RAN, Science in the USSR, 2014, Pages 37-46

A review of “Russia’s militia in 1812-1814” by I. Lapina

Tatiana Sazonova
Academic Journal of INION RAN, The Patriotic War of 1812, 2012, Pages 93-97

A review of “Polish-Soviet relations in 1924-1928” by O.V. Babenko

Tatiana Sazonova
Academic Journal of INION RAN, Soviet Polish Relations in 1919-1945, Pages 60-66

A review of “Soviet Cinema” by J. Miller

Tatiana Sazonova
Academic Journal of INION RAN, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 66-69